Here are his accomplishments since 18 months:
- Owen is talking up a storm. He mimics most of what we say and is starting to talk in 2-3 word sentences. My favorite sentence of his is, "I love you". It is music to my ears and we try to get him to say it at least a dozen times a day!
- In addition to talking he loves to sing. Both grandma's have spent time teaching him their favorite songs, and we often find him singing to himself or to anyone who will listen throughout the day. Here are the songs he can sing most of/part of: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, ABC's, 5 little Monkey's, Apples and Bananas, Happy Birthday, Zacchaeus, and Ba Ba Black Sheep. He has also started repeating any song on the radio that has an easy tune and repetitive lyrics. It cracks us up every time he breaks out in song with Selena Gomez or Justin Bieber.
- Now that Owen is talking pretty well, he is also becoming more opinionated and vocalizing it. We are trying to teach him how to use nice and kind words, but it has been a challenge. His favorite phrase right now is "go away". He says it when he is mad or playing. He also really struggles with sharing and is starting to have "favorite things" (more on those later). The other day, while we were at a friends house, he broke out in tears probably ten times because he had to share a toy or someone else had something he wanted. He is not normally that possessive, but he does have his moments.
- Like I just mentioned, Owen has a variety of favorite things. Here is the list of things he loves right now:
- cars, trucks, planes, and trains
- sports: specifically basketball, football, and baseball
- Curious George and Winnie the Pooh
- Reading books on any of the above subjects!
- His imagination with these toys has recently exploded as well and we love watching him play pretend with his monkeys or race his cars around the house making noises. Owen also loves building forts, playing chase, and anything that involves being outdoors.
- Owen is also looking forward to baby brother showing up! He loves to give my belly hugs and kisses, and as of late, he has started telling me "baby out". It is hard to communicate the fact that baby still a good month or so left before he is ready to arrive. Time is a concept that is rather beyond him at this point.
Here is our attempt to get a picture for his birthday invites. It gives a little glimpse into our active little boy.
He started out in the chair for only a few moments
Then he decided it was time to get up and run
We got him to sit down again by offering chocolate chips. Here he is asking for one more.
However, It didn't take long before he ran again. We had to take a break to nurse a skinned knee.
But eventually we got a few smiles and steady poses.
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